Parents First Aid (non-accredited)

Our Parent First Aid sessions are great for new parents or soon to be parents who would like information on what to do if their child is in an emergency situation. Please note that this is a group booking for a session. The session can be held at our training venue or at a venue of your choosing.

Course cost: $250 per session.


This session is suitable for parents, soon to be parents, grandparents and other family members. Babies up to the age of 10 months are also welcome. 

The cost of the session is the same regardless of how many students, the more people you have, the cheaper it is per person. 

We will cover the following topics during this session:
  • Perform CPR
  • Burns 
  • Anaphylaxis and Asthma
  • Choking
  • Infantile Convulsion
  • Poisons, Bites and Stings
PLEASE NOTE: That this is a non-accredited session and aims to provide parents with an awareness of first aid skills. No certificate will be issued on completion of this session.

Target Audience:

First Aid Session for Parents | Child CPR & Choking First Aid

Learning Outcomes:

Upcoming Workshops

MaroochydoreToowoombaAll Locations
There are currently no openings available for this course.
There are currently no openings available for this course.
There are currently no openings available for this course.



Be prepared for any outdoors emergency with basic first aid training